Bristol University faces more action over links to Israel arms trade

  • Post last modified:April 23, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

On Tuesday 23 April at around 12pm, students of Bristol University and members of Extinction Rebellion Youth Bristol (XRYB) staged a ‘die-in’. It was over the university’s links to the arms trade – therefore, its complicity in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Bristol University: people ‘die in’ for Palestine

Dozens of students lied down blocking the entrance to Bristol University’s Wills Memorial Building, to appear as if ‘dead’:

The group was joined by many other activist groups ‘on campus’ such as Student Action, the Socialist Society, and the International Feminist Society, all demanding that Bristol University cut its financial ties which run deep in the arms trade:

The action, highly performative, symbolises a staged death and the heavy silence of Bristol University’s ongoing complicity in war crimes:

Bristol University IsraelBristol University Israel

After around 30 minutes of laying in silence, the group hosted another half an hour of collaborative learning discussion circles and made origami peace doves:

When asked for a statement XRYB said that:

As a youth group we don’t stand with this horrific public display of ‘holding of hands’ with blood-fuelled companies such as BAE Systems, Elbit and Rolls Royce. Companies, which have direct links to the thousands of deaths of innocent Palestinian people and are responsible for an estimated 5-6% of C02 emissions.

A spokesperson from XRYB added and urged the university to “respond to our peaceful demonstration, recognizing that they should start listening to the voice of the student body”.

Stop supporting Israel’s genocide

Additionally, calling to the wider university audience, they said:

Students, staff and public we need to start holding our institutions to account. I don’t want the money, which is supposed to be spent on my education, being wasted on outdated and bloody partnerships, this is the opposite of building a better future.

Information surrounding the direct action group’s campaign can be found on XRYB website – where they demand that Bristol University:

  • Immediately end all promotion of arms related careers.
  • Commit to no new research partnerships with companies that produce arms.

On Friday 19 April, during the weekly student and staff Palestine rally, the group hosted a stall outside Senate house, promoting the groups campaign. XRYB was leafleting and engaging in conversations about Bristol University’s ties within Israel’s arms trade and giving out block print patches, stickers, etc.

More students seem to be turning their attention to the matter as seen with the turnout on 23 April.

A student present at the ‘die-in’ added that

The university’s, particularly VC Evelyn Welch’s discussions with the recent Occupiers for Palestine in Tyndall Avenue proved that the institution is not undertaking the severity of the situation and how rapidly they need to end these ties and commit to a net-zero future before it is too late.

Featured image and additional images via XRYB

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