Big Brother caves into pro-Israel lobby over Ali watermelon tee

  • Post last modified:October 23, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

ITV reality show Big Brother has found itself at the centre of a storm – all because it caved in to the pro-Israel lobby over… wait for it… a watermelon.

Big Brother: what’s occurring?

On Wednesday 23 October, viewers were left wondering what was going on, as ITV pulled Tuesday 22’s episode from ITVX:

It was previously shown on both TV and streaming. However, something had clearly got ITV bosses concerned – as an official account confirmed it had removed the episode form ITVX due to “compliance reasons”:

People began speculating why. If you also happen to watch Married At First Sight, you’ll know reality TV this season has a problem with toxic masculinity (but that’s for another article):

A lot of X users thought they knew what the problem with the Big Brother episode was:

And unfortunately, they were right:

Watermelons worse than an actual genocide

Ali was indeed wearing a t-shirt with a watermelon. As Bon Appetit wrote:

In 1967, during the Six-Day War fought between Israel and neighboring countries including Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, the Israeli government banned displays of the Palestinian flag within its borders to curtail Palestinian and Arab nationalism. The ban lasted until 1993, when the Oslo Accords loosened restrictions on Palestinians inside of Israel.

In the time between the war and the accords, the watermelon became a protest symbol. A sliced watermelon, with its bright red fruit, green-and-white rind, and speckling of black seeds, contains all of the colors of the Palestinian flag. The fruit was also readily available for use in demonstrations against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, where protesters carried wedges of watermelon in place of the flag.

The watermelon has remained a symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israel illegal – yes, illegal – occupation of their territories. However, clearly ITV and Big borther thought Ali showing solidarity with people currently being subjected to Israel’s “plausible” genocide is also illegal.

Well, it is if you’re pro-Israel lobby group Campaign Against Antisemitism. Because it kicked off (misrepresenting the watermelon symbol in the process). It claimed it had complained to Ofcom (the broadcast TV regulator). Which is probably why ITV then edited out Ali’s watermelon:

However, earlier in the series security violently ripped a Palestinian flag out of an audience member’s hands. Not connected?

As users on X pointed out, all housemates’ clothing is checked before they go into the Big Brother house. So, clearly Ali’s tee wasn’t a problem before:

Lobby group Campaign Against Antisemitism has repeatedly weaponised criticism of the Israeli government and state by calling it antisemitic – which it is not. This is another perfect example of that.

Also, Big Brother is an entertainment show – not a news programme. Therefore, rules around impartiality are far more loose – and it is unlikely Ali’s tee did breach Ofcom standards. Yet, ITV still caved in.

Big Brother. What a mess.

As one user rightly summed up:

Israel has slaughtered over 40,000 people in Gaza, including around 16,500 children. As the world saw, it burned the 19-year-old Shaban Al-Dalu alive. He was sheltering in a tent in the compound of Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital with his parents and five siblings when an Israeli bomb hit, one of many such attacks.

A fireball engulfed him whilst he was still attached to an IV drip. Images of this atrocity have gone viral around the world.

But yes – tell me again about watermelons, Big Brother?

Featured image via screengrab

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