BBC complicity in Israel genocide is there for all the world to see

  • Post last modified:October 2, 2024
  • Reading time:12 mins read

One year into Israel’s genocide on Gaza, Netanyahu decided to launch a full on ground invasion in Lebanon. Iran finally retaliated against the mindless colonial power. Unsurprisingly, as usual, the BBC failed miserably in reporting on the realities of the situation.

As the Canary previously reported, Israel’s colonial government has consistently rejected or undermined peace efforts (as it has historically), and has only escalated the conflict further afield. It has assassinated people in the Iranian consulate in Syria, in Iran, and in Lebanon.

Iran has shown a lot of restraint, according to experts. But it has finally responded to Israel’s attempts to escalate hostilities in the region. Targeting military and intelligence facilities, it has reportedly killed one civilian – a Palestinian. And this is in spite of Israel placing some of those facilities in densely-populated civilian areas.

Blowback into Israel, Iran style

Israel’s own X account tweeted a video of Iran’s rockets with the caption

every single one of these is meant to kill

What the fuck do they think their carpet bombing in Gaza has been achieving? Wiping the memory of everyone who watches a child get blown to pieces?

But as usual, the BBC has lapped it up.

Government sponsored propaganda

The BBC was shameless in its attempts to report on the escalation by Israel – if we can even call them attempts:

Cognitive dissonance

The racist double standards are clear for everyone to see. Blow up a majority Muslim country and you’re defending yourself. Blow up a military base that has been use as a command centre to commit genocide for a year, and it’s terrorism:

What happened to the hostages? We’re presuming they have been secretly transferred to Lebanon via secret underground tunnels.

As the Canary has previously reported, western media outlets have continuously published coverage dripping in bias – and by extension, complicity in Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

When Israeli soldiers killed six-year-old Hind Rajab and her family, the appalling Western establishment media spin was plain for all to see:

Similarly, when the IDF brutally murdered an autistic man with Down’s syndrome – with a combat dog – the BBC, using all of their editorial wisdom, whitewashed it with the headline:

The lonely death of Gaza man with Down’s syndrome

Turning tables on Israel

Now that Iran have retaliated against a genocidal regime, the BBC appears to have rolled out training on how to use the active voice. Seeing as though it suddenly fits their corporate capitalist (and clearly Zionist) narrative:

Oh wait, maybe not – why name names when you can give the abhorrent genocidal perpetrators a voice instead?

Maybe, the same way the whole of the West suddenly remembers what international law is?

Racist corporate media

One person on X was baffled at the linguistic gymnastics the BBC had used to avoid pointing the finger at Israel:

It’s not bizarre – it’s intentional in order to paint Black and brown people as the aggressors. Something which we have seen across the mainstream media for decades. It’s hard to see this as anything other than the BBC acting as a mouthpiece for Israel’s propaganda – because at this point, it quite literally is:

For a year we have watched the west support, fund, and arm Israel. Finally, Iran took one for the team. It’s like watching the school bully finally gets what’s coming to him – without all the mass casualties.

Or, if you want to speak in legalese, as the UN says of the Genocide Convention – signatories to it (of which Iran is) have an:

Obligation to prevent genocide (Article I) which, according to the ICJ, has an extraterritorial scope

Iran targeting Israeli military infrastructure being used to commit genocide was doing exactly this.

Do BBC journalists have no shame? Do they realise that in years to come students will be studying these headlines in horror, wondering how it was allowed to happen? How obvious they are in their racism and how stupid they think the country must be is insulting.

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