Airport disruption continues across Europe by Oil Kills movement

  • Post last modified:August 2, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

A total of 25 supporters of Letzte Generation and Just Stop Oil have taken action airports in Germany and the UK in recent days, causing major airport disruption in Europe and drawing attention to Oil Kills – an International Uprising to end oil, gas, and coal by 2030. They are calling for their governments to achieve this by creating a fossil fuels treaty.

Airport disruption in UK and Germany

First, five supporters of Letzte Generation glued themselves to to the tarmac at Leipzig-Halle Airport in Germany, preventing cargo planes from taking off and landing. Flights were stopped for four hours while action takers remained in place before being removed and arrested by police:

Then six supporters of Just Stop Oil nonviolently blocked the departure gates at Heathrow Airport, causing delays in the airport:

All were arrested, as were several individuals who were taking photographs of the scene.

Ronja Künkler is a musician who took action today in Germany. They said:

Tonight, I sit here in peaceful protest, not out of anger, but out of love. Love for this planet, our shared home. Love for all people, and especially for the young people whose freedom of choice is at stake. I am here because I cannot stand by and watch the world I love crumble due to inaction and ignorance.

The Oil Kills movement continues

21 groups across 12 countries have staged a range of interventions at 19 international airports so far, causing serious disruption and global impact. They include Letzte Generation Germany, Folk Mot Fossilmakta and Scientist Rebellion in Norway, XR Finland, Futuro Vegetal in Spain, Just Stop Oil in the UK, Drop Fossil Subsidies and Act Now – Liberate in Switzerland, Letzte Generation Austria, Extinction Rebellion and Scientists Rebellion in Sweden, Doe Deurne Dicht in Belgium, Last Generation Canada, XR Boston, Last Generation America, and Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island from the USA.

One of those arrested at Heathrow was Di Bligh who was formerly CEO of Reading Borough Council. She said:

Climate breakdown is endangering all we love. Starvation already threatens those who have done the least to cause this mess. Billions will be on the move as they try to find land they can cultivate, water to drink- any safe place.

Electric cars and windfarms won’t do it: governments must act together before we reach more tipping points into chaos than we can prevent. We need our political leaders to act now, by working with other nations to establish a legally binding treaty to stop the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.

A total number of 140 people have taken action, with 84 arrested so far, and hundreds joining demonstrations.

10 are being held in prison on remand, with an additional 23 currently held in police custody. This week has seen repeated actions at UK airports – with seven arrested for blocking the security gates of Gatwick Airport on Monday 29 July, followed by another action on Tuesday 30 July at Heathrow Airport that saw the departure boards painted orange, and more arrests.

Airport disruption set to continue

The A22 Network and Stay Grounded have affirmed their support for the coalition of groups taking action today.

Inês Teles, a spokesperson for Stay Grounded, said:

It’s past time to end fossil fuels. Flying is the fastest way to fry the planet so it’s key to start by cutting pointless and unfair flights like private jets or short haul flights. The actions today and yesterday, disrupting airports, should be a shock to the system that is driving us towards climate catastrophe.

Just Stop Oil said:

Today’s actions are just the start. Governments and fossil fuel producers are waging war on humanity. Even so-called climate leaders have continued to approve new coal, oil and gas projects pushing the world closer to global catastrophe and condemning hundreds of millions to death.

We need an emergency international response to save lives. As long as political leaders fail to take swift and decisive action to protect our communities from the worst effects of climate breakdown, we will remain in resistance. Our work remains essential, morally right and ever more urgent.

The link between oil, gas and coal, and human lives is now crystal clear: Oil Kills.

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