Cameron having ‘grave concerns’ a damning understatement

  • Post last modified:April 14, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

David Cameron has confirmed the UK government will not suspend arms exports to Israel, despite its targeted killing of seven international humanitarian aid workers in Gaza last week.

The Zionist Cameron claims that he has “reviewed” the legal advice and arms export licenses to the violent and oppressive apartheid state of Israel remain “unchanged”, in line with other “like-minded countries”.

These like-minded allies of Britain include Germany, who claim to have learned the lessons of the 20th century, by enabling a genocide against Palestinian children in the 21st century. In reality, Germany, you have learned less than fuck all.

Deutsche bomben töten Palästinensische Kinder. Fordern Sie, dass Ihre Regierung aufhört, kinder zu töten.

And of course, this also includes our like-minded friends the United States of America – a country that has invaded 68 other nations in its history – under the leadership of Genocide Joe.

If Germany, Britain, and the US are supposed to be the world’s moral compasses, is it any surprise to see that we are completely and utterly lost, somewhere between catastrophe and despair?

“Let me clear”, says Cameron; as transparent as Israel’s apartheid wall

Cameron has been around long enough to know that the public will expect their elected representatives to be able to access this remarkably questionable legal advice. However, unsurprisingly Lord Cameron of Tel Aviv – a man that made a career out of avoiding purposeful scrutiny – is refusing to allow its publication.

When David Cameron steps up the podium and says the words “let me be clear”, you can guarantee whatever nonsensical bullshit that follows will have a similar degree of transparency to the apartheid wall that runs through the West Bank.

“Let me be clear, though, we continue to have grave concerns around the humanitarian access issue in Gaza, both for the period that was assessed and subsequently”, said Cameron, prior to stopping off for dinner with Donald Trump at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Six long months of utterly brutal Western carnage, heaped upon some of the poorest people on the planet that only have their holy Quran to recite in defiance of the Zionist occupiers and their state-of-the-art weaponry, and all Cameron has to offer is “grave concerns”?

“Grave concerns” is the understatement of the century

I have grave concerns that the engine management light on my fourteen-year-old car is going to come on whenever I get in the smelly old thing.

I have grave concerns when I’m trying to work out how to pay x, y, and z and the budget only stretches to x and a bit of y on a good week.

In case you haven’t noticed, Dave, there is a genocide happening right now, and possibly the first genocide in history that was announced before it had even been implemented, and eventually live-streamed to a horrified global audience.

Grave concerns? The ham-faced bastard Cameron doesn’t care about Gaza. Ask him about sending further arms to Ukraine and his eyes light up, but if you ask him to apply the same standards of acceptable and legal resistance against an occupying force in Palestine, he is unable to do so because the Zionists have also occupied Westminster.

The BBC steps in to prop up the colonialism

I will be the first to admit, I had no idea who the sons and grandchildren of the head of Hamas’ political bureau, Ismail Haniyyah are, or in their case were, following their killings in an Israeli strike on the first day of Eid, this past week.

The BBC, the enduring voice of British colonialism around the globe, even put the story at the top of its news agenda because it gave the broadcaster another opportunity to portray legitimate resistance as Islamic terrorism.

The BBC wilfully fuels most Israeli narratives as standard. Any semblance of balance is lost when Britain’s biggest and oldest broadcaster propagates the flawed and often laughable evidence Israel and its narcissistic, pathological liars put forward.

However, let’s turn this around for a moment.

If the shoe was on the other foot

What if Benjamin Netanyahu’s children and grandchildren were killed by Al Qassam fighters? The West – morally playing second fiddle to an organised and effective Global South – would absolutely lose its collective shit.

Netanyahu’s coward of a son – described as the “lazy bum son” by Haaretz journalist Uri Misgav – is living an opulent lifestyle in Miami, some 7,000 miles from Daddy’s genocide.

Yair Netanyahu, 32, lounges around in a $5,000-a-month Florida high-rise protected by Israeli Shin Bet bodyguards, despite being eligible to serve as an IDF reservist until he is 40.

But what if the little red triangle caught up with Netanyahu Junior? How would our corrupt, bought and paid for politicians react? And will somebody please think of the Daily Mail?

The myth of superior Western humanity has been utterly destroyed. The double standards of Western hypocrisy have been well and truly exposed. A genocide has happened on our watch, approved and aided by your government and their loyal opposition.

Israel’s genocide is a war on humanity

Some 85% of Hamas fighters are believed to be orphans. Israel will not “destroy” Hamas because Israel cannot defeat an ideology.

This perpetual cycle of violence cannot and will not end until Israel is forced to stop killing children for fun. Then the occupation must come to an end because this is the only means of achieving a just and lasting peace.

Each time I see a new video clip appear from the very little that is left of Khan Younis, or the devastated Al-Shifa medical complex where Palestinian rescuers are still recovering the body parts of their loved ones, it is impossible not to sense Israel’s palpable desire to wreak havoc against an entire population.

This isn’t just a war on Gaza, or just a war on the children of Gaza. This is a war on humanity. And your government – as well as the would-be prime minister and his pro-Israel lobby funded shadow cabinet – must never be forgiven for its reprehensible complicity.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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