Tommy Robinson demo to be met by large counter-protest

  • Post last modified:October 24, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace and Justice Project, Stop The War Coalition, and other groups will be out supporting a protest this Saturday. It will be a counter-demo to far-right figure “Tommy Robinson” and his organising of a protest in central London.

Stop the far right and stop Tommy Robinson

As Jeremy and the Independent Alliance recently stated, the politics of hate harms its targets, but it also fails society by distracting from real solutions to our challenges. Attacking Muslims, demonising minorities, and blaming migrants won’t build homes, educate children, fund healthcare, create jobs, or address the climate crisis.

However, Tommy Robinson the grifter doesn’t care about this. All he cares about is fomenting hatred to line his own pockets. So, he’s organised a protest in central London – leaving from Victoria. But a coalition of groups, including Stop The War Coalition, various trade unions, and the Peace and Justice Project, have organised a counter-demo as follows:

  • Date: Saturday 26 October.
  • Time: Assemble 11.30am.
  • Location: Piccadilly – Regent Street St. James’s, SW1Y, London (Piccadilly Circus).

Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is a former member of the Nazi BNP and founder of the English Defence League, and is mobilising a significant number of far-right thugs onto the streets of London.

On 1 June, he gathered over 5,000 individuals for an extremely Islamophobic event where dangerous rhetoric echoed Nazi slogans.

In July over 20,000 people joined Tommy Robinson’s last demonstration and this one is expected to be even bigger. That’s why many of us opposed to his politics of division must join the counter-protest and send a clear message that we reject the politics of hate.

There will be coaches heading down to London from towns and cities from across the country – click here to book your seat.

Everyone out

We need to make sure that this is one of the biggest anti-racist mobilisations that this country has seen in years.

We must unite against racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism. We must vehemently defend the right to protest and want to see those hundreds of thousands who have been demonstrating in recent months over Palestine on the streets on 26 October to unite against the fascist threat.

Please share the demo with your friends and networks.

Together, let’s show that unity trumps division, and solidarity will win over hate.

Featured image via Vox Populi Media – screengrab and Canary

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