is this the best we can do?

  • Post last modified:October 13, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

I genuinely didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I saw a new opinion poll putting the recently-routed Tories just one percentage point behind Keir Starmer’s deeply-disliked Labour Party government.

How can this be?

Despite Labour’s steadfast commitment to gifting the Tories with seemingly endless opportunities to land a hefty blow on Starmer’s glass chin, the Tories attempt at opposition has been incredibly ineffective, as is often the case when a new leader is being chosen following a humiliating defeat.

So what are the Tories doing that’s put them within a Rizla paper of the new Labour government with the undeserved whopping majority?

In short, nothing. They’re not interested in opposing Keir Starmer because they are far too busy opposing each other.

Keir Starmer is the reason the Tories find themselves just one percentage point behind Labour.

The opinion polls are a Keir Starmer problem

If we go back to Swindon’s Sunday Sermon in the Canary on 1 September, I said:

The greatest threat to Keir Starmer’s leadership is Keir Starmer. It’s not the Tories. It is not Farage. The Lib Dems are as threatening to the Labour prime minister as a hungry vegan is to a bowl of pan-fried offal.

And I absolutely stand by that because the Tories lurching further to the hard-right under Badenoch or Jenrick pose absolutely no threat to a right-of-centre Labour Party

It doesn’t matter which of the Tory headbangers claim victory. The Conservatives will replace them within two, maybe three years with a more electable candidate to go up against Keir Starmer, assuming he actually lasts a full term himself.

The Tories are selecting a candidate that makes them feel better about themselves, not a candidate that stands any realistic chance of appealing to the same not-so-hard-right-Tories that helped Starmer fluke his way into power, just three months ago.

We have entered the age of ineffective oppositions and unaccountable politicians, far-right MPs and a never ending conveyor belt of corruption and sleaze, and then there’s that ridiculous twat Jenrick wanting to raise the Star of David flag at every British port.

Starmer is arrogant enough to believe that he is the reason the public voted for the Labour Party, back in July, but the truth of the matter has been revealed by pollsters YouGov.

Labour’s tanking polling continues

A whopping 55% of the Labour vote (that’s more than half, Reform voters), voted Labour because they wanted to get the Tories out of office.

Just 13% of those questioned voted for Starmer’s Labour based on policy, although I do wonder how many of that 13% could name and describe three pre-election policies that stand firm today?

But the best answer was saved for last, because just ONE PERCENT voted for the Labour Party due to Keir Starmer. That’s one voter in every one hundred voters.

Starmer’s own personal approval ratings have hit rock bottom. Even the much-maligned Rishi Sunak and the kangaroo gonad-eating GB News hatemonger Nigel Farage have higher approval ratings than Keir Starmer — a man that has a face that looks like a dropped pasty at the best of times.

Tragically, at least for an entirely unrepentant Starmer and his sidekicks, the polls just keep on coming, much like the ocean of freebies that flow into the leaders office from hedge funds and pro-Israel lobbyists.

This time, as the Canary reported, YouGov asked Labour voters what they thought of other political parties, and while some 9% had a favourable opinion of Reform UK and 55% thought well of the Liberal Democrats, it only turned out that the Green Party have a higher net approval rating than the Labour Party, with Labour voters!

Little by little, support for the Labour government is beginning to crumble.

Never particularly popular

It is so easy to forget, they never were a particularly popular choice, securing a massive majority with considerably fewer votes than Labour picked up under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and even Labour’s ‘worst election defeat since 1935’, just two years later.

The rot began to set in within days of Labour taking power. We didn’t even get the chance to sing a line of Things Can Only Get Better before Kid Starver and Rachel Thieves created a £22 billion black hole and opted to kill thousands of elderly British people instead of telling the comedy guy Zelensky exactly where to shove his short-range air defence missile systems.

But the freebie scandal was a huge slap around the face for ‘Mr Rules’, Keir Starmer.

The British electorate are a ridiculously tolerant bunch. Just look at how long we put up with Thatcher, New Labour, and the fourteen years of Tory rule that is already being buried under an avalanche of Labour sleaze and corruption.

Starmer is destroying what’s left of Labour

Just six months before taking power, Starmer said:

No more VIP fast lanes. No more kickbacks for colleagues. No more revolving doors between government and the companies they regulate. I will restore standards in public life with a total crackdown on cronyism.

Keir Starmer is a shameless, fraudulent liar. He cannot and must not be trusted to put the interests of the British people before the interests of the Israeli state.

The gift-hoarding scandal merely reinforced what the public already believes. Trust and confidence in government are as low as they have ever been with fewer voters believing politicians would put national interest before self-interest.

When you combine Starmer’s deeply troublesome personal approval ratings and virtually zero trust in the politicians we elect to represent us in parliament, you can understand why many politicos still think a hard-right Tory candidate has a chance of defeating Starmer in five years time.

And should that happen, it will be down to one man and one man alone.

Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, take a bow.

Featured image via Rachael Swindon

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