Israel Gaza wall footage ‘disappearing’ is yet another convenience

  • Post last modified:October 8, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

A year on from 7 October, world leaders and the corporate media are gushing over Israel. As usual, they are forgetting the years of apartheid and violence that led Hamas’s attack – along with the thousands of Palestinians they have murdered since.

Conveniently, at the end of last year when senior officials tried to access the security footage of the wall that barricades the Gaza strip, it had suspiciously disappeared from the database. There are conflicting reports as to whether officials permanently deleted these, or just restricted them to senior government officials. Israeli’s have also provided reports of audio communications being interfered with – so they are no longer decipherable.

As the Cradle reported in December 2023:

During a visit by a senior female officer from the Israeli army general staff to the various division headquarters, senior officers in the reserves commented that “an invisible hand” had deleted videos from the various military surveillance cameras showing the events of that day.

It continued:

The videos were deleted from the military network known as “ZeeTube,” potentially to prevent their use in an in-depth investigation of how thousands of Hamas fighters managed to breach the border fence and infiltrate Israel to carry out the attack.

We sat down with one of the generals and were going to show him a video about one of the events, and we found out that someone had deleted the videos,” said a senior reserve officer from one of the divisions, adding, “It was very embarrassing. Then suspicion arose as to why someone would do that.

Unsurprisingly, Israeli military officials denied this. They told Israeli news site Walla, who broke the revelations, that the videos had simply been “blocked to unauthorised people”.

Separately, the outlet noted how someone appeared to have interfered with the audio communications recordings of the day. The officials noted that some had “disappeared” or may have been “transferred to another location”, but that it meant they were “unable to hear them.”

The senior officers suggested that: “Someone decided to transfer or delete them so that no one will hear them”. IDF officials didn’t comment on these allegations relating to the audio recordings at the time. In other words, it looks like some Netanyahu government heavyweight got rid of these deliberately.

Mysterious, or suspicious?

One person on X quickly reminded us that the wall is supposedly the most surveilled and high-tech border in the world – making it even more suspicious:

Someone pointed out that Israeli officials were either lying, or they’ve never heard of cloud storage. Given the state’s claims to be at the height of tech, it’s clearly the former:

Israel doesn’t make mistakes – until they’re convenient:

Israel’s credibility belongs in the bin, which is no doubt where the camera footage is too:

As one X user put it:

However, predictably it transpired the vanished footage was entirely intentional all along. Of course, it raises the question of what Israel doesn’t want people to see or hear.

Hannibal directive

Last November, the Electronic Intifada exposed Israel’s use of the Hannibal directive on 7 October.

The Hannibal Directive is a controversial Israeli military policy which allows them to use any force necessary to prevent Israeli soldiers being captured and taken hostage. This includes any action which ultimately leads to the captives deaths. Israel cancelled the official policy back in 2016. However, on 7 October at midday officials revived the directive.

Double Down News revealed that the Israeli military were aware of Hamas’s plans, and didn’t even raise the alert level to number one – the most basic one. This means when Hamas burst through the fence at 6:30am, many of the soldiers were still in bed. Which again, is insane when Israel had prior knowledge of the plans. This means that the border footage disappearing is even more convenient as it absolves Israel:

What is Israel hiding?

Israel also deployed Apache helicopters, but without ground control. This meant pilots were relying on WhatsApp groups to try and decipher which vehicles heading towards the border contained Hamas, hostages, or civilians.

Ultimately, this led to Israeli soldiers indiscriminately shooting at over 70 vehicles and in many cases killing everyone in the vehicle. The Israeli military does not deny that report. Obviously, if these vehicles were heading towards the border you would expect that the security footage picked up at least some of them. In other words, maybe it’s this Israel doesn’t want even its own IDF senior officers to see:

At the end of the day, it all looks like another case of Israel manipulating and concealing the facts to hide how it murdered some of its own civilians on 7 October. Because, to admit to this would be to demolish the pretext it used to launch its genocide in the first place – not that anything can justify its abhorrent crusade of violence since.

Feature image via Quds News Network/X

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