Palestine Action shut down Elbit site in Filton, Bristol yet again

  • Post last modified:September 23, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Palestine Action has been at it again in Bristol – this time, using a van to disrupt the factory of Elbit Systems in Filton. It shows for the umpteenth time that direct action does work – as the group halted production, therefore stopped arms going to Israel to be used in its genocide in Gaza, and terrorism in Lebanon. It also shows that activists are unafraid of the consequences of their direct action – as ten people who targeted the site previously are now in prison.

Palestine Action: undeterred by the rain

On Monday 23 September, activists from Palestine Action used a van to block the only entrance into Elbit Systems research, development, and manufacturing hub in Filton, Bristol:

Once in place, Palestine Action began to spray the road with blood-red paint using repurposed fire extinguishers:

Palestine Action also displayed a banner which read ‘Free the Filton10’. This was referring to 10 activists who are imprisoned before trial after being accused of costing Elbit’s Filton premises over £1m in damages:

Shutting Elbit down – and for good reason

Elbit Systems is Israel’s largest weapons firm. It manufactures weapons which are marketed as “battle-tested” on the Palestinian people. The Israeli weapons maker producers 85% of Israel’s military drone fleet and land-based equipment, amongst other arms used to commit genocide in Gaza.

Elbit Systems frequently uses Gaza as a laboratory to develop new weaponry. At Elbit Systems Second Quarter 2024 Results, CEO Bezhalel Machlis said:

The portfolio was improved drastically and this war has been an accelerator for many developments. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is using these technologies now and in the future, we will bring them to the rest of the market as well.

The Filton weapons hub was opened in July of last year, with Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotevely in attendance. Freedom of Information disclosures show Filton’s ‘Elbit Systems UK’ has existent export licenses for the sale of weaponry to Israel. Weaponry seen during the previous action at the site on 6 August included the same model of quadcopter drones used by the Israeli military to mimic women and children crying to lure Palestinians in and kill them.

Free the Filton10

After the 6 August Palestine Action action at the same site, 10 activists were detained without charge under the Terrorism Act before being charged with non-terror offences and remanded to prison. In a move which reaffirms Palestine Action’s commitment to shut Elbit down despite the state’s repressive tactics, the group has returned to the war crime scene.

A Palestine Action spokesperson said:

The British state continues to imprison the ‘Filton10’ in a bid to serve the interests Israel’s biggest weapons firm over the rights and freedoms of it’s own citizens. However, we refuse to allow a company profiting from the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza to continue operations on our streets. Despite the attempts to deter us, we are continuing our direct action campaign until Elbit is shut down for good.

Featured image and additional images via Palestine Action

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