Israel soldiers kick apparently dead Palestinian man off rooftop

  • Post last modified:September 20, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Content warning – this article contains embedded video clips that depict graphic settler colonial violence

Footage of an Israel raid in the occupied West Bank showed a soldier pushing an apparently dead Palestinian man off a rooftop.

AFPTV footage of the operation in the town of Qabatiyah, near Jenin, on Thursday showed an Israeli soldier using his foot to roll the body towards the edge of the roof and then pushing him over, while at least two other soldiers looked on. The Cradle shared the shocking footage:

Qabatiyah is located in the northern West Bank, where the military has been carrying out large-scale raids since late August that the Palestinian health ministry says have left dozens dead.

Barbaric behaviour from Israel

Former Human Rights Watch director Kenneth Roth stated the obvious – there is no military need for Israel to throw someone off a roof:

The Chief of Communications at Euro-Med Monitor, Muhammed Shehada, pointed out that the accusations Israelis make of Palestinians are often confessions of their own crimes:

This same point was made by others:

Journalist Laila Al-Arian said:

“Inhuman behaviour”

Al Jazeera reported that the Israeli soldiers had thrown three men off a building after having shot them. The men’s bodies were then removed with a military bulldozer.

Secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mustafa Barghouti, told Al Jazeera that the footage showed:

absolutely savage and inhuman behaviour.

Barghouti showed that he was not sure if the men kicked off the rooftop “were still alive or not.”

Journalist Laila Warah, currently in Ramallah, said:

The footage we’ve seen is horrific and it’s making the rounds here in Palestine. But ultimately, Palestinians are not surprised. Israel has a track record of disrespecting the bodies of the Palestinians they kill.

Even in death, Palestinians are brutalised and subjected to disrespectful and demeaning treatment from Israelis. Undoubtedly, if an Israeli person being kicked off a rooftop, mainstream media would be spilling forth with emotional reporting decrying the inhumanity and savage behaviour. As it is, Israelis continue to brutalise Palestinians and much of the world barely spares them a glance.

Additional reporting by Agence France-Presse

Featured image via YouTube screenshot/Firstpost

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