Starmer will get a nasty surprise when he finally gets back to work

  • Post last modified:September 1, 2024
  • Reading time:12 mins read

When the UK voted the Labour Party into office at the beginning of July, Keir Starmer told us they’d inherited the worst economic circumstances since WWII. They then proceeded to cease all parliamentary activity for over a month for the ‘Summer Recess‘. Some would argue that politicians deserve four weeks off every summer; others would say that a situation so supposedly dire warranted immediate action. As it turns out, these others far outweigh the rest.

On Monday 2 September, the Labour government will finally return to parliamentary activity. The ‘nasty surprise’ mentioned in the headline refers to the steep drop in polling they’re returning to:

Given that Labour’s overarching plan is to fix the problem’s caused by austerity with more austerity, the economic situation can only worsen, and their popularity can only continue to plummet.

In other words, Starmer’s government seems to have fucked it already, and the public are painfully aware of that.

Starmer: the poll story

It’s been a bad week for Labour’s polling, with their disapproval levels shooting skywards like a ski jumper:

Labour’s problems are even worse in Scotland:

Remember when Starmer promised to clean up corruption? Well it looks like he hasn’t so much washed it away as absorbed it into himself like a super absorbent kitchen towel:

And guess what? Labour’s actions are not going unnoticed:

The latest polling is from Opinium:

Labour have tried to put a positive spin on their appalling polling, seemingly thinking they can trick the public into thinking they’re anything other than a bunch of Billy Bullshitters:

More nasty surprises for the new nasty party

It’s not just the public, though; the media is also attacking the new government from all sides:

Although, admittedly, not all media criticism is worth paying attention to:


Unpopular with the public and barraged by the media – just who is Labour for? Well, it’s certainly not the charities who are incensed by Labour’s plan to freeze your nan this winter, as reported by the Observer:

The Observer has learned that the country’s leading charity for older people, Age UK, has written to Reeves with a specific proposal it believes will be fairer and that would prevent around two million pensioners being deprived of a payment it says they badly need.

The UK chancellor revealed plans in July to introduce a means test for the winter fuel payment, where only those on pensions credit would qualify, as part of a push to plug what she said was a £22bn black hole in the public finances left by the previous Conservative administration.

But many Labour MPs have reported being bombarded with complaints from constituents furious at the plan, which was not in Labour’s election manifesto. Last week, on a visit to Scotland, Reeves was told by a group of anxious Labour backbenchers that they did not believe the plans were fair.

Labour keeps repeating that this is all the result of having to make ‘hard choices’. Once again, the public isn’t falling for it:

Is there anyone in favour of Starmer’s Labour? You know, besides alleged slum landlords?


Forensically predictable Starmer

Who could have predicted that targeting pensioners then going on holiday would enrage the entire country? Not Starmer, it seems – perhaps the least canny political operator this country has ever produced.

The Tories were hated and unpopular, of course, but they were propped up by the mainstream media. Who does Starmer think will champion his cause? He seems to have made the mistake of thinking that if he caves into the demands of Britain’s wealthiest people, then the right-wing media would reward him. Instead, they’re going to keep pushing him to give more to the rich, knowing that the worst that can happen now is the Tories or Reform form the next government.

Perhaps the nastiest surprise for Starmer will be that he’s forced to confront his own ineptitude in a manner he never could have imagined when the easily-duped praised his ‘forensic’ intelligence:

Who could have seen it coming? Certainly not Starmer.

Featured image via Keir Starmer (YouTube)

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