Corbyn sees biggest rallies of general election so far

  • Post last modified:June 24, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Jeremy Corbyn had a huge weekend. Over 1,000 canvassers gathered across four rallies to support his general election campaign in Islington North. People of all ages showed up to back his people-powered campaign and between them knocked on over 40,000 doors:

Corbyn: biggest rally of the general election so far?

People are saying he has amassed more support than any other candidate, from any party so far in this election trail:

Unsurprisingly, current voting predictions have Corbyn winning 40% of the vote in Islington North. That’s nearly 15% more than Labour:

Corporate media silence

It goes without saying the corporate media won’t cover such a massively successful campaign weekend. Given that they are the very same propaganda machine which slaughtered Corbyn in the lead up to the 2019 general election. However, the sheer number of people that gathered show that it is possible to defeat the barrage of hatred put out by the mainstream media:

If we compare it to the amount of people that showed up for Labour candidate, Praful Nargund’s canvassing session on Sunday – we can only hope Labour packed spare pants:

Labour’s shady business

It’s clear that Corbyn has the people of Islington North behind him. His community know that he cares because he has a long record of doing so. Which is more than we can say about Labour’s Nargund. He didn’t even declare his own numerous private healthcare companies when sitting on an Islington council committee looking at, you guessed it – healthcare:

Corbyn cares. Which means people showed up because they care about his re-election. It also says a lot that people on disability bikes showed up for a political candidate because as readers of the Canary will know – so far during this election disabled people have largely being ignored:

Very few British politicians have any integrity left – if they even had any to begin with:

Corbyn has centred his campaign around his community – the people he wants to serve if he gets re-elected. He lives there, he knows the community, and he has spent the whole of his political career fighting for Islington North along with working class people everywhere.

For those reasons he has amassed huge support both from his constituency and from people right across the UK.

The type of grassroots campaigning that Corbyn inspired in 2017 and 2019 hasn’t wavered – if anything it has grown. The corporate media’s silence on his enormous canvassing turnout comes down to one thing. It scares the fuck out of them and the rich ruling class they represent.

Feature image via Jeremy Corbyn/X

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